3 more ways to Get your Business Noticed !!!

4. Curate content from others in your industry, especially influencers.

Finding great content from others that you can share and comment on is a great way to show off your expertise and increase your influence. Curating isn’t copying someone else’s content, but instead, writing about what you found and including a link to it. In many cases, the owner of the content will be notified (i.e. in the case of a WordPress blog) that you’ve shared the link, which can draw them to visit your site and hopefully engage with you.
Sharing social media posts is another great way to build a relationship with others who might turn around and share your content as well.

5. Become the go-to resource for information your market needs.

Become invaluable by sharing news, trends and top resources your market needs, even if means referencing or linking to other sites. You can use Google Alerts or use a feedreader to track news and trends from your favorite resources, and then share that information with your market. This not only shows you're an industry expert, but can be a way to attract influencers as well.

6. Be authentic and approachable.

The Internet and social media has changed marketing. No longer can you hide and simply send out one-way messages about your product or service. Today, people want to engage with the people they do business with.
They want to know you and your values. They want you to listen to them and respond. The more you engage with your market, the more attached they become, which leads to loyalty. Further, they’re more likely to tell others about you. 
This means you need to respond to emails and questions asked to you through social media. You should reply to comments on your blog or social media, and thank others who share your information. 


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